Caring for the inner child

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I am 18 years old and from New Delhi. My story is something many teenagers face and are caught unaware of. I was stuck in a toxic relationship and could not get out of the relationship leave even after knowing I needed to do so.  I was caught up in the feelings of love that I had developed for my so-called friend. I was lost in the feeling and something was stopping me from moving beyond even when I was used; I knew I had to step ahead in my life. 

Finally, one day, I realized I was cheated upon.  I was totally devastated.  I just could not understand or process anything that was happening in my life.  The end of my relationship felt like the end of my life; even when at my rational self, I knew I was in a toxic relationship. 

I found AMITA Care on Instagram. I searched for a therapist on the AMITA platform and chose the therapist I felt most connected with and would like to go for therapy. During the process of the therapy, I got to know about the wounds which were dug down into me and eventually knew things I didn’t even know more about myself; we all carry a traumatic backpack on our backs.  Very often, we forget how and where we picked up this trauma and how this is affecting us in our relationships and life. It may be related to your past relationships or your childhood; therapy helped me to become aware and identify the wounds and work through them so that I could eventually heal. Now within 6 successful sessions, I am full of energy, full of life, highly ambitious, and self-dependent.  I take care of myself physically and mentally now and I feel so free of the things I could not leave behind.  The emotionally traumatic backpack I was carrying all around no longer seems heavy. My mental health has never felt this better. The pain I was carrying for long years does not seem important anymore. My rough childhood experience seems so much lighter. I advise everybody to go for therapy and explore the root of their pain and end their suffering.

Aditya Vardhan


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